Monday, 17 January 2011

Learning Log 11th January (from notebook)

One reaffirming and nice aspect of starting this degree has been looking through and reading the course folder and already having an understanding. My time spent doing the City & Guilds at college and the non qualification courses in lighting and documentary. I'm quite surprised at how much information I have actually retained.

I got myself a copy of 'The Genius of Photography' on DVD and watching bits of it back really astounded me. When it was first on tv a few years ago I had gone back to college for a term and actually had the same tutor that I had when I did my City and Guilds. Karen is passionate about photography and really seems to live her life surrounded by it. Her knowledge of the history and other photographers astounds me.

When watching 'The Genius of Photography' for the first time there were a few photographers that I had heard of. Edward Weston I had been fascinated by his images of peppers and did a project on him for my C&G. The other that stuck in my mind was Nan Goodin. Again while doing my C&G Karen had recommended going to see Nan's exhibition in London. I'd already seen some of her work and so knew what content to expect. I took along my now husband with me and even though I had warned him he was still shocked and still talks about it to this day, almost 10 years on.

What I found strange about the documentary was now was how with a lot of content as the presenter was leading up to the next photographer he was going to talk about. I suddenly realised that I actually have a fairly decent grounding in photography. Something that I didn't realise I had before. I actually did know a little something and I even could hear myself sounding like I knew what I was talking about. Scary!

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