Monday, 17 January 2011

Learning Log 10th January (from notebook)

I've thought long and hard about keeping a learning log and started off by trying to keep a blog, thinking that this would be the simplest option. I could update it daily or whenever I needed to at home, work or with the help of my iphone on the move as well. I thought this would work best for me.

I like the idea of it, but its not working the way I thought it would. Finding the time to log in and not so easy to get it to work on my iphone after all. So going to give the old pen and paper a go. Now thinking that carrying my notebook round with me will give me more opportunities to make a few notes when I have a couple of minutes.

I've also been very confused and worried about what I should be writing in my learning log. I've read the advice booklet several times, but it's not really gone in. I didn't get it, not entirely sure if I still do.

I've spoken to lots of friends who've done degrees and no one had even heard of a learning log. Was just going to have a go and send it into my tutor and wait for feedback but today I was talking to my boss who completed an MA last year and she did a learning log and explained what she did in about 3 minutes and I think I now get it. Well at least I hope I do!

I've never done distance learning and I never realised how hard it would be to get myself motivated. I knew I would need to make an effort to set some time aside to study and read, but I didn't appreciate how home life would affect that time.

Things started out really well for the first few weeks. I started reading the books I'd been recommended and gathering together images for my first assignment.

A combination of home life and work then took over putting all my photography degree work on the back burner.

I've never had to be so selfish with my time. With work not just needing to work extra hours but also the workload for everyone n our office is so mammoth that from the moment I walk in till the moment I leave it's completely full on and with no lunch break I'm no giving my brain a rest.

I think so far taking on doing a degree has been an extreme learning curve.

None of it's been mind blowing stuff and I'm sure it's everything that I've been told at school, college etc. It's even stuff I've learnt to do before, but as I haven't studied for a few years seriously) I'm having to learn it all over again.

It's as simple as making a study plan and setting time aside for that very purpose.

So I've made start by booking some dates off work as study days when I know no one will be at home and I can concentrate and also blocking out study time in my diary, including shorter reading blocks.

I'm hoping that this will keep me focused and organised as well as keeping my motivation going.

It seems ridiculous that I would then choose to do an OCA degree. It was really my only choice and option to fit along side work and home life.

My boss told me that she found reading back through her learning log to be really useful, especially when coming towards the end of her degree. I'm hoping that writing and re-reading the learning log will be part of my inspiration to keep going and complete.

My major weakness with my photography is my impatience. I want to know everything straight away and always the quick answer. I think I'm probably like this in other areas of my life and I think doing this degree will be good for me because there are a lot of aspects that I just can't rush. I need to work through the stages to achieve the right results.

Wish me luck!

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