One reaffirming and nice aspect of starting this degree has been looking through and reading the course folder and already having an understanding. My time spent doing the City & Guilds at college and the non qualification courses in lighting and documentary. I'm quite surprised at how much information I have actually retained.
I got myself a copy of 'The Genius of Photography' on DVD and watching bits of it back really astounded me. When it was first on tv a few years ago I had gone back to college for a term and actually had the same tutor that I had when I did my City and Guilds. Karen is passionate about photography and really seems to live her life surrounded by it. Her knowledge of the history and other photographers astounds me.
When watching 'The Genius of Photography' for the first time there were a few photographers that I had heard of. Edward Weston I had been fascinated by his images of peppers and did a project on him for my C&G. The other that stuck in my mind was Nan Goodin. Again while doing my C&G Karen had recommended going to see Nan's exhibition in London. I'd already seen some of her work and so knew what content to expect. I took along my now husband with me and even though I had warned him he was still shocked and still talks about it to this day, almost 10 years on.
What I found strange about the documentary was now was how with a lot of content as the presenter was leading up to the next photographer he was going to talk about. I suddenly realised that I actually have a fairly decent grounding in photography. Something that I didn't realise I had before. I actually did know a little something and I even could hear myself sounding like I knew what I was talking about. Scary!
Monday, 17 January 2011
Learning Log 10th January (from notebook)
I've thought long and hard about keeping a learning log and started off by trying to keep a blog, thinking that this would be the simplest option. I could update it daily or whenever I needed to at home, work or with the help of my iphone on the move as well. I thought this would work best for me.
I like the idea of it, but its not working the way I thought it would. Finding the time to log in and not so easy to get it to work on my iphone after all. So going to give the old pen and paper a go. Now thinking that carrying my notebook round with me will give me more opportunities to make a few notes when I have a couple of minutes.
I've also been very confused and worried about what I should be writing in my learning log. I've read the advice booklet several times, but it's not really gone in. I didn't get it, not entirely sure if I still do.
I've spoken to lots of friends who've done degrees and no one had even heard of a learning log. Was just going to have a go and send it into my tutor and wait for feedback but today I was talking to my boss who completed an MA last year and she did a learning log and explained what she did in about 3 minutes and I think I now get it. Well at least I hope I do!
I've never done distance learning and I never realised how hard it would be to get myself motivated. I knew I would need to make an effort to set some time aside to study and read, but I didn't appreciate how home life would affect that time.
Things started out really well for the first few weeks. I started reading the books I'd been recommended and gathering together images for my first assignment.
A combination of home life and work then took over putting all my photography degree work on the back burner.
I've never had to be so selfish with my time. With work not just needing to work extra hours but also the workload for everyone n our office is so mammoth that from the moment I walk in till the moment I leave it's completely full on and with no lunch break I'm no giving my brain a rest.
I think so far taking on doing a degree has been an extreme learning curve.
None of it's been mind blowing stuff and I'm sure it's everything that I've been told at school, college etc. It's even stuff I've learnt to do before, but as I haven't studied for a few years seriously) I'm having to learn it all over again.
It's as simple as making a study plan and setting time aside for that very purpose.
So I've made start by booking some dates off work as study days when I know no one will be at home and I can concentrate and also blocking out study time in my diary, including shorter reading blocks.
I'm hoping that this will keep me focused and organised as well as keeping my motivation going.
It seems ridiculous that I would then choose to do an OCA degree. It was really my only choice and option to fit along side work and home life.
My boss told me that she found reading back through her learning log to be really useful, especially when coming towards the end of her degree. I'm hoping that writing and re-reading the learning log will be part of my inspiration to keep going and complete.
My major weakness with my photography is my impatience. I want to know everything straight away and always the quick answer. I think I'm probably like this in other areas of my life and I think doing this degree will be good for me because there are a lot of aspects that I just can't rush. I need to work through the stages to achieve the right results.
Wish me luck!
I like the idea of it, but its not working the way I thought it would. Finding the time to log in and not so easy to get it to work on my iphone after all. So going to give the old pen and paper a go. Now thinking that carrying my notebook round with me will give me more opportunities to make a few notes when I have a couple of minutes.
I've also been very confused and worried about what I should be writing in my learning log. I've read the advice booklet several times, but it's not really gone in. I didn't get it, not entirely sure if I still do.
I've spoken to lots of friends who've done degrees and no one had even heard of a learning log. Was just going to have a go and send it into my tutor and wait for feedback but today I was talking to my boss who completed an MA last year and she did a learning log and explained what she did in about 3 minutes and I think I now get it. Well at least I hope I do!
I've never done distance learning and I never realised how hard it would be to get myself motivated. I knew I would need to make an effort to set some time aside to study and read, but I didn't appreciate how home life would affect that time.
Things started out really well for the first few weeks. I started reading the books I'd been recommended and gathering together images for my first assignment.
A combination of home life and work then took over putting all my photography degree work on the back burner.
I've never had to be so selfish with my time. With work not just needing to work extra hours but also the workload for everyone n our office is so mammoth that from the moment I walk in till the moment I leave it's completely full on and with no lunch break I'm no giving my brain a rest.
I think so far taking on doing a degree has been an extreme learning curve.
None of it's been mind blowing stuff and I'm sure it's everything that I've been told at school, college etc. It's even stuff I've learnt to do before, but as I haven't studied for a few years seriously) I'm having to learn it all over again.
It's as simple as making a study plan and setting time aside for that very purpose.
So I've made start by booking some dates off work as study days when I know no one will be at home and I can concentrate and also blocking out study time in my diary, including shorter reading blocks.
I'm hoping that this will keep me focused and organised as well as keeping my motivation going.
It seems ridiculous that I would then choose to do an OCA degree. It was really my only choice and option to fit along side work and home life.
My boss told me that she found reading back through her learning log to be really useful, especially when coming towards the end of her degree. I'm hoping that writing and re-reading the learning log will be part of my inspiration to keep going and complete.
My major weakness with my photography is my impatience. I want to know everything straight away and always the quick answer. I think I'm probably like this in other areas of my life and I think doing this degree will be good for me because there are a lot of aspects that I just can't rush. I need to work through the stages to achieve the right results.
Wish me luck!
Royal Photographic Society
Yay! Received my membership pack today from the Royal Photographic Society. Very exciting, already seen a corse that I would like to go on.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts
Light / Dark Combined
I decided to use this image of people watching fireworks to illustrate the light and dark in a combined image. The sillouhette of the people watching the brightly coloured fireworks really stand out. I especially like the persons arm in the crowd taking their own photograph of the fireworks.
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts
Moving / Still
The moving image was taken at a rugby match during a fast paced run towards scoring a try. I focussed my camera right on the player in the middle with the ball and I really like the space around him and the angle of his body, showing the speed at which he is running.
The still image was taken at the British Museum in their collection of 100 items for the Centenary. This is the Crystal Skull, now agreed to be a fake. I felt it had a stillness about it and thought it was perfect to show in this contrast. 
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts

A modern large sky scraper in Canary Wharf is the large image. Taken on a shoot in Canary Wharf, I particularly liked the angles of the image, really shows off the height. 

The small image is of traditional one storey houses in Madeira (now not lived in and just there to show the tourists). The houses in total height only scale about 12 ft.
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts
Savoury / Sweet
The savoury image was initially taken as after numerous attempts I actually managed to get a toad in the hole to rise.
The sweet has a double meaning. While on a Brownie sleepover I caught this sweet little girl who was making chocolate rice crispie cakes and had obviously licked the remaining chocolate off the spoon. 
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts
Smooth / Rough
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts
Hot / Cold
Taking advantage of the recent snow, I used a quick shot taken in my front garden to depict cold. I particularly like the sunlight coming through the trees making everything glisten.
For the hot image I picked this shot from the Maldives, the sun so hot it's bleaching the sand. I feel this image gives you a real feeling of the heat. 
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts
Few / Many
Both of these images were taken as promotional shots for Girlguiding.

The first image is of some Rainbows celebrating their 21st birthday with a Fairy Princess Party. I found the girls to be very easy to work with and were very forthcoming with a big smile.
The other image was taken to publicise their Giant Seepover in a local shopping centre. This one took a little organising and was taken over a balcony of the girls and their leaders in the section below.
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts
TAOP Assignment 1: Contrasts
Liquid / Solid
I have chosen these two images to represent Liquid and Solid.
Liquid is a flooded St Marc's Square in Venice, showing the drain and flooded paving and the reflection of a brightly coloured stall in the square.
The Solid image I decided to make black and white as I felt it added to the harder solid image, rather than the pinky/white stone. This is the entrance to a Myan temple. 

Monday, 3 January 2011
New Year - New Attitude - New Start
I'm not really one for new years resolutions, but I thought I would this year, seriously for probably the first time in 10 years make some. Now I'm not going to put them all on this blog, only myself and one other know what they are (my husband). However one I will share with you is that I'm going to aim to write this blog / study log at least 5 times a week.
I've not been updating it as I should, although luckily I have been taking notes throughout, so will be updating the blog and adding them all on here bit by bit.
So Happy New Year and here's to a year ahead of fun challenges, hard work and keeping resolutions!
I've not been updating it as I should, although luckily I have been taking notes throughout, so will be updating the blog and adding them all on here bit by bit.
So Happy New Year and here's to a year ahead of fun challenges, hard work and keeping resolutions!
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